The "Zero" cast includes Yoshitsugu Matsuoka as Sora, Ai Kayano as Shiro, Yoko Hikasa as Stephanie Dora, Yukari Tamura as Jibril, Yuka Iguchi as Clammy Zell, Mamiko Noto as Feel Nilvalen, Miyuki Sawashiro as Izuna Hatsuse, and Rie Kugimiya as Teto. The official website of the franchise is already streaming a teaser for "No Game, No Life: Zero." Riku will be joined by Shuvi in the fight to create a world that will be succeeded by Tet, Shiro, and Sora. Meanwhile, "No Game, No Life" will be having a film spin-off titled "Zero," which is based on the main manga and light novels.Īccording to Inquistr, the film will follow Riku in bringing an end to the Great War by instilling peace in Disboard. Kamiya also paid the artists for the work that he used for his own artwork. Kamiya already apologized to the artists that he based his work on, publicly and on their websites. However, Kamiya did not seem to trace them directly, but had executed similar poses and details from other artworks, the report said.
This reportedly might cause the cancellation of "No Game No Life" season 2.Īccording to Anime Amino, someone caught Kamiya tracing his work and exposed him on social media.Ĭharacters including Stephanie Dora, Jibril, and Izuna appeared to have been traced based on other anime character poses. Unfortunately, there are plagiarism allegations against the artist of the series, Kamiya.
However, there are still no updates when the second season of "No Game No Life" will come out, or whether it is already under way. "No Game No Life" season 1 ended with Shiro and Sora facing a god in the finale episode, which was a big cliff-hanger for the show. Meanwhile, the upcoming "No Game No Life: Zero" film is based on the original manga and light novels. Season 2 of "No Game No Life" might be cancelled due to allegations that author Yuu Kamiya committed plagiarism. Ertugrul Ghazi Urdu Dubbed Episode 7 Season 1 Urdu Ertugrul Ghazi Epi 7. Facebook Twitter Email Print Img No-img Menu Whatsapp Google Reddit Digg Stumbleupon Linkedin Comment 0 "No Game, No Life" season 2 might be cancelled due to the artist's plagiarism.